New born pictures

On Saturday morning, Aug 31, 2008, my parents were getting ready to go out when my Mom discovered there was something wrong with her. My Father rushed her to the McMaster Children hospital emergency. They sent her to the labour and delivery department, where they found out that her membrane had ruptured prematurely at 26 weeks gestation.
The Doctor gave her a steroid to help with lung development of the baby. They admitted her to be under special care. Four days later, on Sept 3, 2008, my Mom started experiencing abdominal pains at 4:00am. Finally, the ward sent her down to the labour and delivery room at 7:30am to be monitored closely. The pain continued to get worse and worse. At 3pm the Doctor decided to move my mom to the OR for a Caesarean section. On Sept 3, 2008 at 3:30pm I came to this world (My weight at was birth was 900 grams at a height of 35cm). They named me Amirreza (Amir means prince and Reza means satisfied, happy, approval)

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