My school and activities

“I started grade 1 in September 2014. Everyday I learn something new. I can read books with help from my mom. There are lots of words that I know now. I am getting better at my drawing and my art work. I am learning to dance. I have lots of fun with my friends and teachers at Ancaster Meadow Elementary School.”
“Me & My Teacher”

‘Yes I Can’ Award in Self Advocacy – Amirreza Adel

Amir was born quite prematurely, and sustained haemorrhaging and a brain condition called hydrocephalus …for a time it looked as if he might not survive.
But everyone who knows Amir recognizes that he is a young man who never gives in, no matter what challenges he faces. Despite a motor developmental delay, he has learned to walk and will now even run and play with other children at Ancaster Meadow. With a little help from his friends, he does the same work as the other children in his classroom. Amir loves life, fully embraces each day, and his big wide smile and his politeness make Amir one of the most beloved students at his school.

Amirreza Award pics

A video clip of Yes I can Award presentation to me by Ancaster Meadow Elementary School