Great News for my Followers:

After the great success of “Journey to the Rainbow” on TV and social media, there are more and more people showing interest in my inspirational medical journey and recovery.

Finally my documentary ” Journey to the Rainbow” is on YouTube for everyone to watch. This video dedicated to McMaster Children’s Hospital.



News: April 4th, 2016

I would like to let my followers know that cable 14 start the broadcasting of my documentary ” Journey to the Rainbow” on their TV. The show will be on for several times during month of April and May.
The schedule show time is as follow:

Upcoming airdates

April 5 @1:30pm

April 12 @10:30pm

April 21@ 7am

May 23 @7pm

Best Wishes,
Amirreza ,



The second screening of Amirreza Adel’s documentary, Journey to the Rainbow, was held at McMaster Children’s Hospital (MCH) on Dec 14, 2015. The President and CEO of Hamilton Health Sciences foundation, doctors, nurses, staff of MCH, and other special guests all attended this event. Speakers included Amirreza himself, Dr. Peter Fitzgerald President of MCH, Dr. Madan Roy chief of the Pediatric department, and Elham Sabeti Mother of Amirreza. Those who could not attend, which included Honourable Dr. Reza Moridi MPP, Minister of research and innovation, Minister of colleges, universities and trainings, sent video greetings. Below are the transcribed speeches and video message.

First Dr. Peter Fitzgerald President of MCH:

My pleasure to welcome everyone here this evening, it’s great to see the staff here. I was privileged attend the premier opening of the movie which happened approximately a year ago. It was a very sophisticated ceremony and a wonderful documentary. It really speaks to the wonderful work our staff do with families that they serve. I’d like to ask Dr. Madan Roy to come up now and say few words.




It is my pleasure to introduce Amirezza, Manucher and Elham to all of you today. I have known them since Amirezza  was born in September 2008 at 26 weeks of gestation, weighing only 900 grams. Their’s is a story of courage, of beating all the odds and of dedication.  It is a story of faith in Amirezza, in themselves and in the medical system. Faith, Trust, Love and and Positive thinking.

I remember seeing Amirezza at corrected ages of 4,6,and12 months. Knowing that he had had a grade 4 bilateral intraventricular hemorrhage with hydrocephalus I had expected the worst.  However, each time I finished examining him I could not believe that he was showing so much developmental progress and no focal neurologic deficits.  Then on, every time I saw him he continued to always surprise me by beating the odds, doing a lot more than was predicted.

His parents, Elham and Manucher  have been phenomenal– they never give up, always stayed positive, hopeful and strong.

There’s is a story of success against all the odds. Amirezza was recently awarded the ” Yes I can,” award in school for self advocacy and is also known as the most beloved student in his class and is one of the most favorite kids in the school.

I am truly lucky to have been a part of their lives and to see this amazing progress against all predicted odds.

It is now my pleasure to introduce Elham, his mother to all of you.

Amirreza’s Mother, Elham, Speech:

Good evening to all of you, our special guests. thank you so much for attending tonight events coming. before I start,

We would like to send our special thanks to:
– McMaster children’s hospital ,Dr. Peter Fitzgerald, public relations,  and Hamilton health sciences foundation for organizing and inviting us to this event and invited us to this event
  – To health and education system in Canada, for providing these services and resources for all children in Canada especially for those Like Amirreza who needed the most.

-To our dear friend, honourable Dr. Reza Moridi. Unfortunately, he could not attend today but he has sent us his greetings through a video message. Together we will listen to his message.

-To All the Doctors, nurses, and staff members from Macmaster children’s hospital, who directly or indirectly were involved in Amirreza’s care. 
-To Mr. Shahriar Khademi, Producer of the movie from the Blue sky video production, and Mr. Arshia Shakibaeian, the Editor of the movie, who helped us make this wonderful documentary
-To Mr. Paul Clemens, Principle of Ancaster Meadow Elementary school, and all the teachers and staff members from Ancaster Meadow Elementary School
-Last but not least, thank you to everyone of you special guests for attending this event. it is truly our honour to have you here tonight.
The reason we are able to gather here today to celebrate the success story of our son, Amirreza, is all because of the care, hardwork and support from each and every one of you.

Amirreza is the living proof ,that with the right help, babies that are born 3 months premature can thrive.

Last year, Amirreza received The ‘Yes I Can’ Award in Self Advocacy and positive attitude”  . It’s because all of you, staff and teachers of Ancaster Meadow elementary school, and staff from Hamilton health sciences especially McMaster children’s hospital, have given him the opportunity to receive this award.

As Dr. Moridi mentioned, My husband and I decided that there is no better way to express our gratitude than donating the proceeds from this documentary to MCH. All proceeds will go towards MCH. We are hoping Amirreza will follow this path and continue to give to charity and participate in community service.

We want to thank you all on behalf of all other parents like us that did not have chance to be here to express their true appreciation to you. keep up with you good work. thank you all very much.


Finally, Amirreza says thanks to all the guests for taking great care of him and for attending the event.
Amirreza’s father , Manuchehr Adel, also would like to thank McMaster Children’s Hospital Doctors, nurses, and staff, Honourable Dr. Reza Moridi and all special guests for attending this events.





To All My Family and Friends,
Sending warm wishes to you and your family during this Christmas Season. May your home be blessed with love , hope and happiness.
Wishing you all, Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Best Wishes,


Another Success for ” Journey to the Rainbow” Documentary: Second Screening at McMaster Children’s Hospital

E-Vite - Journey to the Rainbow Dec 1


‘Yes I Can’ Award in Self Advocacy – Amirreza Adel

Amir was born quite prematurely, and sustained haemorrhaging and a brain condition called hydrocephalus …for a time it looked as if he might not survive.
But everyone who knows Amir recognizes that he is a young man who never gives in, no matter what challenges he faces. Despite a motor developmental delay, he has learned to walk and will now even run and play with other children at Ancaster Meadow. With a little help from his friends, he does the same work as the other children in his classroom. Amir loves life, fully embraces each day, and his big wide smile and his politeness make Amir one of the most beloved students at his school.

Amirreza Award pics


To all my family and friends,
Wishing you and your loved one peace, health, happiness and prosperity in the coming New Year.

Best wishes,



Here is The Journey to the Rainbow Release gala ceremony at Sheraton Hotel Richmond hill on
Nov 16, 2014

“Journey to the Rainbow” Release Gala from SkyVideo .

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” سفر به رنگين كمان” روايت عشق است. سفري است از خواستن تا رسيدن. 
آنجا كه محال، به قدرت عشق ممكن مي شود و اميد، معجزه را معنا مي كند.

“Journey to Rainbow” is the story of love. It is a journey from desire to triumph; where impossible becomes possible with the power of love and where hope makes miracle a reality.
” سفر به رنگين كمان” سفري است از باران به آفتاب. حديث عاشقانه اي است از معجزه ايمان كه عشق، خودِ معجزه است.

“Journey to Rainbow” is a voyage from rain to sunshine; a romantic anecdote of the miracle of faith as there is no distinction between love and miracle anyways.
سفر به رنگين كمان” قصه آدم هايي است كه عشق را زندگي مي كنند.
“Journey to Rainbow” is the story of those who live and breathe love.
فيلم از همان آغاز، هوشمندانه از كنار سانتيمانتاليزمي كه به راحتي مي توانست گرفتارش سازد عبور مي كند تا روايتي صادقانه باشد از قصه واقعي پدر و مادري كه بعد از سيزده سال صاحب كودكي مي شوند كه زودتر از موعد به دنيا مي آيد با مشكلات عديده اي در سيستم عصبي، بينايي، شنوايي، هوشي و …
كودكي كه شايد در هر كجاي ديگر به دنيا مي آمد، شانسي براي ماندن نمي يافت، به معجزه عشق پدر و مادر و تلاش صميمانه پزشكان و مددكاران و حمايت عاطفي دوستان از كودكي معلول بدل مي شود به نوجواني سالم و شاداب.
From the beginning of the journey, the film liberates itself from the… pitfall of sentimentalism to tell an honest tale involving a couple, who after 13 years of marriage, give birth to a premature baby who suffers from variety of intellectual and physical disabilities.
With the magic of his parents’ love and the tireless and sincere efforts of his medical team, the disabled child, who might have not survived anywhere else in the world and under any other circumstances, thrives to become a healthy and exultant youth.
اين فيلم روايت اين مسير است كه از همان تيتراژ ابتداي فيلم كه دستان كودكي با مكعب هاي چوبين كلمه رنگين كمان را مي سازد، سليقه و هوشمندي زيبا شناسانه سازندگانش را به رخ مي كشد. اين هوشمندي در نوع روايت كه بدور از هرگونه اغراق يا احساسات گرايي، قصه را از زبان پدر آغاز مي كند و با مادر به نقطه عطف مي رسد. كودكي نارس با مجموعه اي از ناتواني ها و معلوليت ها كه مي تواند سوژه اي باشد براي مرثيه سرودن ، اينجا بهانه اي مي شود تا عزم و أراده مردماني را به تصوير كشد كه با نااميدي غريبه اند و عزمشان جزم كه ناممكن را ممكن سازند.
The journey starts with a pair of small hands putting together alphabet cubes, making a “Rainbow” through the opening credits, exhibiting the aesthetic intelligence of the producers. These intelligent storytellers, who haven’t allowed themselves to fall for the cliché of exaggeration or sentimentalism, begin the story from the father’s perspective and peaks it with the mother’s. An incomplete child with a range of disabilities which can easily become an excuse for lamentation becomes a reason to reveal the motivation and determination of those who refuse to give up, give their all not to give in, and live to transpire and conquer the impossible.
فيلم برداري درخشان در كنار تدوين خلاقانه با استفاده از عكس ها و فيلم هاي آرشيوي ” سفر به رنگين كمان ” را سفري تماشايي مي كند كه لحظه به لحظه اش را نور مي سازد و اميد.
The brilliant cinematography and the creative editing of the film, especially by incorporating flashback photos and videos, make the “Journey to Rainbow” an incredible passage to watch which each second of it radiates sun rays of hope.
از موسيقي درخشان اين فيلم هم بايد گفت كه هماهنگي بي نظيري داشت با آنچه كه تصوير شده بود و ضيافت گوش نوازي بود براي آن همه تصاوير ديدني.
The music of the film was incredibly aligned with the visual story and was an inviting fusion with the spectacular scenes.
” سفر به رنگين كمان” بي شك در خاطره همه حضاري كه آن شب به پاسداشت عشق آمده بودند به عنوان اثري هنرمندانه كه عشق را صادقانه روايت كرد تا ابد مانگار خواهد ماند.
“Journey to Rainbow” is definitely an incredible piece of art which tells a sincere and honest love story and would undeniably stay as such forever with all the audience of the night, who were there to celebrate true love.

This posting can be viewed on Honourable Dr. Reza Moridi,MPP Facebook page

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سفر به رنگين كمان» روايت عشق است. سفري است از خواستن تا رسيدن. آنجا كه محال، به قدرت عشق ممكن مي شود و اميد، معجزه را معنا مي كند. « سفر به رنگين كمان» سفري است از باران به آفتاب. حديث عاشقانه اي است از معجزه ايمان كه عشق، خودِ معجزه است. « سفر به رنگين كمان» قصه آدم هايي است كه عشق را زندگي مي كنند

یکشنبه 16 نوامبر فیلم مستند سفری به رنگین کمان در حضور بیش از 200 نفر از علاقمندان و میهمانان از جمله دکتر مریدی و پروفسور امیر بداخشان برای اولین بار در هتل شرایتون ریچموندهیل به نمایش گذاشته شد.

موضوع فیلم، زندگی واقعی خانواده ای است که پس از مهاجرت به کانادا، 13 سال را در آرزوی داشتن فرزند سپری می کنند. بالاخره در میان ناباوری منوچهر عادل و الهام ثابتی آرزوی دیرینه آنها برآورده می شود، و در سپتامبر 2008 امیررضا 3 ماه زودتر از زمان طبیعی و با داشتن علائم غیرطبیعی و مشکلات سلامتی به دنیا می آید.

واقعیات بالینی و پزشکی، هیجان، اضطراب و نگرانی از آینده فرزندشان هیچگاه منوچهر و الهام را از امید داشتن به بهبودی امیررضا باز نمی دارد. تلاش تیم های متخصص درمانی در بیمارستان، امیررضا را که کمتر از یک کیلو وزن دارد به سطحی از اطمینان می رساند که او را در دسامبر 2008 از بیمارستان مرخص می کنند.

امیرضا هنرپیشه اصلی فیلم هم اکنون 6 سال است و معالجات و مراقبتهای شدید را پشت سر گذاشته و زندگی معمول را در پیش رو دارد. صحنه نمایش نقاشی یک رنگین کمان توسط امیر رضا در آخرین صحنه فیلم علاوه بر گواهی وجود کودکی شاداب و نرمال، نشانه ای از تجلی موفقیت در اثر پشتکار، امید و کار گروهی پدر و مادر او و تیم پشتیبان آنان است.

فیلم به کارگردانی شهریار خادمی و توسط شرکت بلو اسکای ویدیو تهیه شده است.

در خاتمه نمایش فیلم، دکتر رضا مریدی وزیر تحقیقات و فن آوری و وزیر کالج ها و دانشگاههای انتاریو، طی سخنانی از خانواده عادل که داستان زندگی شان را برای همه در قالب این فیلم مستند در میان گذاشتند، تشکر کرد.

آقای عادل نیز به نوبه خود از حاضرین در مراسم افتتاح فیلم تشکر و قدردانی کرد.

On Sunday November 16th, the documentary “Journey to the Rainbow” premiered showing the inside story of a young Iranian-Canadian immigrant family in the presence of more than 200 people including Dr. Reza Moridi and professor Dr. Amir Badakhshan in the Richmond Hill Sheraton Hotel Ballroom.

The documentary featured a true story of a family who after immigrating to Canada, tried for 13 years to have a child, were told they couldn’t comceive and then finally, in shock and disbelief Elham Sabeti and Manuchehr Adel found out that their dream had come true and were expecting. On September 3rd, 2008 their child Amirreza was born 3 months premature with many complications.

Knowing the truth about the health condition of their son, excitement and stress never let Elham and Manuchehr give up hope for the wellbeing of their child. Help, care and support of his medical team helped Amirreza who weighed less than one kilogram at birth reached a point in December 2008 where he was discharged and able to go home.

Amirreza is tha main actor (premier) in the documentary and is now 6 years old. He has passed all his critical care and treatment and is now able to have a normal life. The last scene of the movie is showing a drawing of a rainbow by Amirreza. This shows that this healthy, normal, happy child reached this level of success because of his parents hope, hard work, and teamwork with his health care team.

The movie is directed by Mr. Shahriar Khademi from Blue Sky Video Production Company.

After the documentary finished, Dr. Reza Moridi Minister of research and innovation, minister of training, colleges and universities in a speech thanked the Adel Family for sharing their story with everybody.

Mr. Adel also thank all the audience who attend in the ceremony.

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Sunday, November 16, 2014 was the opening ceremony for the release of a Documentary “Journey to the Rainbow” in Sheraton hotel ballroom . This documentary is produced and directed by Shahriar Khademi from the Blue Sky Video Production company. The ceremony was hosted by Elham Sabeti and Manuchehr Adel. Many guests from different ethnic backgrounds attended the ceremony. Dr. Reza Moridi minister of research and innovation, minister of training, colleges and universities, Dr. Peter fitzgerald President of McMaster Children Hospital , and Dr. Amir Badakhshan professor of Calgary universities gave speeches. Host Bahareh Mirian started the ceremony with the welcome message and appreciation of production company from Elham Sabeti and Manuchehr Adel and respect to our national anthem OCanada.
The documentary followed. The documentary showed the inside story of the Adel family. This family, like any other family, decided after few years of living together to have a child. In part of the documentary the mother, Elham Sabeti, said after 13 years of trying that the doctors informed them they couldn’t have children and there wasn’t anything more they could do for them, she cried for hours.
Manuchehr Adel also mentioned that they both decide to live without a child for the rest of their lives. He offered to his wife to adopt a child, but Ms. Sabeti was not ready to make such a big decision at that time. Surprisingly, 3 months later Ms. Sabeti was pregnant. So you can guess how this news made the couple feel, shocked and happy at the same time. However, Ms. Sabeti was admitted to the hospital when she was only 26 weeks pregnant and because of an infection she gave birth at 26 weeks with C-section. Therefore, the child that this young couple was waiting for 13 years for was born 3 months premature. At birth he weighed 900 gr. and was 35 cm long. Since he was premature, he develop a condition called hydrocephalus. It causes the ventricles of his brain to be blocked and the brain fluid to accumulate and increase pressure. Which can cause complication in terms of child mobility and cognitive skills like vision and hearing. It is obvious that knowing these facts worried the couple. Therefore, this documentary is the inside story of this couple how they try hard for the wellbeing of this baby. A baby who is now a happy, adorable boy and is in Grade 1. Not only can he walk, he can run and like all kids his age is a very busy boy. Despite his age he can fluently talk in 2 languages, Farsi and English. The staff of the school are also so happy about his progress and his learning.

The documentary finished and audience liked it so much. Host Bahareh Mirian introduced Dr. Reza Moridi’s, political, scientific background, then invited him to have a speech for the audience.
At the beginning of his speech Dr. Moridi called Amirreza the best artist in the world. Then he thank the family for sharing their experience with others. He mentioned there are other parents who have the same experience but they are not willing to share their story. Also, he mentioned that the message of the movie is that we all have to always have hope. He also hoped that Iranian situation back in our homeland improve and we can have democracy in Iran. He thank the 24/7 services of the community by Doctors. He mentioned that he is proud that the approval of his proposal for naming May 1st as a day to honour the Doctors in province of Ontario has gone through. He mentioned that the provincial government is working with universities, researchers and scientists. The Government of Ontario is invested in health care that will help with better care and in the end will help improve the Ontario economy. He also mentioned that what we saw in this documentary, if it had happened 50 years ago the outcome may have been different. We see that 25 years ago breast and prostate cancer killed many people but today these 2 cancers can be very curative.
Dr. Moridi finished his speech by calling Amirreza the best actor in the world, invited him to join him on the stage and presented Amirreza with a scroll. He also thank Mr. KHademi, producer and director, and Mr. Arshia Shaibaeian editor of the documentary and presented them with a scroll which was singed by him.
When he asked Mr. Khademi to say a speech he mentioned he was so excited and was speechless. He thanked the audience.
Next Ms. Mirian started to read the Dr. Peter Fitzgerald, president of McMaster Children hospital, background and invited him to have few words for the audience. This honourable surgeon in his short speech mentioned that it is his pleasure and honour to be a representative form McMaster Children Hospital to attend this meeting. He thanked everybody who was involved in the production of this documentary. Then he praised the family’s strong spirit and thanked everybody who was involved in his care. He also mentioned in his last 20 years as a surgeon that he had seen how families with these abilities always working hard for their kids wellbeing. He also mentioned as Dr. Moridi had before that the government has always helped hospitals and the staff give better services to people. He also mentioned that his wife is a teacher and she helps children who are our future.
Then it was time for Professor Dr. Amir Badakhshan to make a speech, after Bahareh Mirian introduce him to audience reading his background. He started his speech by saying he was invited to the party by Mr. Manuchehr Adel. He mentioned the night before he was watching a program about how Isis is putting innocent people in a row and killing them. He was ashamed of himself as a human. He added that tonight by watching this great documentary and the gentler side of a human story it has changed his mind. Because by watching these parents love, hard work, team work and their hope for their child’s wellbeing and also the support and care of the health care team, it took him to the other side of the human being. The side that you can be proud of. This nice side of humanity made this afternoon be one of the best moments of his life. It means as a human we can earn something that we will be proud of.

Last to speak was Elham Sabeti, Amirreza’s mother, who made a short speech thanking all the guests in the audience. She then briefly talk about their experience as a mother and father. She mentioned that Amirreza has always liked to be independent. She also thank her husband for being with her every step of the way. She thanked Mr. Khademi and his team from Blue Sky Video Production for helping them make this documentary. She stated the three reasons they decided to make the documentary. First was to send their sincere gratitude to health and education in Canada in particular doctors, nurses and the staff of the McMaster Children’s Hospital, Chedoke Hospital and teachers and staff of the Ancaster Meadow Elementary School, Shazia Khan, Saima Ali family, and all of their family and friends for their ongoing support and care. Second was to show the Iranian community to always appreciate the opportunities and resources available by the Canadian government to all Iranian who have made Canada their home and they are looking for an opportunity to pay it back to the community and our country Canada. Last, this documentary will be help for other families with the same situation because in the journey of your life there may be a period that is rainy and cloudy, stay strong and positive. Use all recourses and support available to you to pass this stage with a hope of a sunshine and rainbow in your sky.
At the end Ms. Mirian thanked The Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario for sending messages even though her honour could not attend the meeting. Also, thanking Amirreza’s principle, teachers and everybody who was involved in his care but could not attend the meeting.

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IRAN ZAMEEN TV Interview with Mr. Shahriar Khademi from Blue Sky Video Production about “Journey to the Rainbow”